What are Dentures?

Missing teeth can affect your ability to eat, smile and speak. It’s also a sign of aging that makes you self-conscious and less confident. Dentures are a common solution to missing teeth. Many denture alternatives are available today that can help give you back your confidence without sacrificing your lifestyle or budget!
Dentures are artificial teeth worn to replace missing teeth. The denture material is acrylic used for these artificial teeth to match the colour of your natural teeth. A denture’s base is called a plate, and it is usually made from acrylic resin or metal.

Benefits of Dentures

Dentures are traditionally a scary thing, but they don’t have to be! Gone are the days of ill-fitting and unsightly false teeth. Modern dentists can now make customised prosthetics that look better than ever before and allow you to enjoy your favourite foods with confidence and speak without any issues whatsoever. Here are the following benefits of modern dentures:-
Enhances the Look of Your Smile: Missing teeth not only make your bright smile less appealing. Dentures can help give you a new level of confidence in yourself and how much more approachable for others.
Prevent future Oral Health Issues: Even if you are missing only one tooth, it increases your risk for certain oral health issues like gum disease. Restoring the function of natural teeth with dentures helps keep these problems at bay and make sure that they don’t progress to more serious ones later on in life.
Can be customised to meet your specific needs:The dentist will make denture just for you so that they fit perfectly and are comfortable. You can finally eat or talk like normal without any discomfort! The best part is if your jaw changes over time, the dentist can easily create a new pair of them because he has a replica to work with from when you first visited him.
Easy to clean: Getting dentures leads to a more thorough oral hygiene routine, and you can maintain your teeth with minimal effort. Simply use a soft-bristled brush daily and a special denture cleaner monthly to keep them clean of plaque buildup that could lead to gum disease. Thorough Daily brushing is the key to maintain clean dentures.

Why Choose Narre Warren Dental Care for Dentures

At Narre Warren Dental Care, we offer affordable denture services using the latest techniques and technology so that you get beautiful new teeth without the hassle of dealing with old ones! We create custom-fitted dentures for each patient right here in our dental clinic. No longer do you have to deal with ill-fitting false teeth from other providers who use off-the-shelf solutions – instead, let us handle your case personally! We provide high-quality service at an affordable price because we believe everyone deserves beautiful smiles regardless of their budget constraints. Call today for more information.

Why not come down today? We’ll give you a free consultation and show you how easy it is to smile again with our high-quality dentures. Click here now to book an appointment at Narre Warren Dental Care if you want to get started on getting your new set of teeth!

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about our dental services? We’re here to help! Check out the
answers to some of our most frequently asked questions or browse through below for more information.

The first thing people think about when considering getting their own set of dentures is ” what is the cost of dentures?” While there isn’t a standard rate that applies across all dental practices due to different factors like type-temporary dentures, removable dentures, complete dentures etc., quality of material used in the denture construction, complexity etc., we would say an average range starts at \$900-\$4K per tooth depending on which one needs replacing most urgently.

Denture relining is a procedure that can extend the life of your dentures. Suppose you’re noticing changes in dental tissue, bone and mouth throughout your life. In that case, it may be time to schedule an appointment for this process with our dentist

Dental procedures are always going to evolve as we learn more about our bodies and what’s best for them: how different factors such as weight loss or health play into things when considering whether a person needs their denture relining done every few years during regular visits here at my clinic!

If you’re considering dentures, then it’s important to understand the potential risks. Denture wearers have a higher risk of gum disease and are likely.

-to experience absorption from bits of food in their mouth because they don’t blink as often when chewing or talking. If teeth aren’t present, people also have an increased likelihood for tooth decay due to not brushing regularly and having no natural saliva flow, which helps protect against bacteria that cause cavities.”

There is a high chance that someone who wears dentures may develop oral health problems like periodontal abscesses (swelling) near their gums caused by plaque buildup on dental work. So before making any important decisions on whether or not you’ll need them this time around- make sure it’s worth all the risk by visiting our clinic so we can talk through these.

There are many alternatives to dentures, including dental implants, overdentures and tooth-supported fixed bridges. Dental implants have become a popular alternative because they more closely resemble the feel of natural teeth; however, implantation requires strong and healthy gums or jawbones for them to work their magic—not everyone is eligible for this treatment.

Your Narre Warren Dental care approved dentist can assess your individual circumstances and recommend the best solution based on these findings.

Getting dentures typically begins with a thorough examination. Our approved dentist will evaluate your current dental condition and advise on the best treatment options. A complete evaluation includes examining teeth, gums, and any other oral health concerns you may have. There are various treatments for different people depending on their individual needs; some patients need to extract or lose teeth before receiving denture implants, while others require radiation therapy in order to prepare gum tissues that can receive post-denture prosthetics like crowns or bridges.

Experts recommend that people visit the dentist every six months at a minimum. This allows dentists to monitor tooth and gum health and identify problems early on to be corrected before major oral issues arise like cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, or periodontal disease. Suppose you wait too long with these complaints. In that case, it may require your teeth to be pulled out in order for you to wear either permanent or partial dentures instead of having them removed later in life because of dental diseases.

One of the terrifying moments in a person’s life is losing their teeth. However, before you panic, there are four types of dentures to choose from:

  • Full or Complete Dentures
  • Partial Dentures ( different lower and upper denture)
  • Retained Dentures
  • Night Guards

Luckily for first-time patients like yourself, we have specialists who can help figure out which type works best with your needs!

The time it takes to get new dentures can vary depending on a few factors. Suppose there is an extraction required for teeth or root tips. In that case, this will impact the process and usually take about three months to heal before they are ready for placement in your mouth. With no extractions needed, you’ll only need a few visits but don’t expect them any sooner than four weeks after!

You may be tempted to splurge during mealtimes now that you have a new set of denture teeth, but try not to overindulge. Soft foods are usually the easiest for newly-fitted dentures and should be your go-to choice when eating out or at home. Harder food will take its toll on wearing down your delicate mouth structure as well as keeping up with chewing (not having any!). The key is moderation, so enjoy what you eat while it lasts!

You might find that your gums aren’t used to chewing and biting after you first get permanent dentures. You may also have sore gums from any dental work you had done before getting the teeth replacements, so when it comes time for a meal with them on giving yourself some time to adjust by eating soft foods like

  • hot cereal
  • Pudding made of things like gelatin dessert mix
  • Broth
  • Mashed potatoes or nay other mashed vegetables
  • Yogurt
  • Juice

In a few days, your mouth will adjust to the dentures. And with cutting them into small pieces and starting slow, you won’t have any trouble eating solid foods again!

  • Soft bread
  • Cooked rice
  • Soft, skin-free fish
  • Pasta
  • Soup with soft
  • meats
  • Cooked greens
  • Baked beans

Gum producers have been responding to a growing demand for soft chewing gum and denture safe varieties, with new softer options available on the market. The most notable change is how sticky these gums are: they’re less tacky than before, preventing staining your dentures. If you wear dentures, it’s important that you do so slowly and evenly when you chew your gum of choice. This will help get rid of any fear associated with wearing them while chewing again!

Dentures can accelerate bone loss because of the additional pressure they bring to the bony gum ridges that support them. This can also damage gum tissue. Wearing dentures all deprives the gums of any rest, speeding up their pace of bone loss. Losing volume in your bones not only affects oral health but will also gradually loosen a denture’s fit and make it uncomfortable for you to wear or eat with them on your teeth.

Your dentures may make you feel more confident and give your mouth a better appearance, but do not wear them to bed. This is because your gums need rest at night too! When it comes to the question of should you sleep with a partial denture in place? The answer remains no so that any dental appliance can have the proper care.

Studies have shown that wearing dentures during sleep has been proven to cause illness. Studies show a higher risk of disease and illnesses such as pneumonia while also leading to gum plaque buildup, inflammation in the mouth, and serious dental hygiene problems.