What is Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in your jawbone, usually performed by a dentist or oral surgeon. It can be done for many reasons, such as when a tooth has become too damaged or diseased to remain in place and needs to be removed. In some cases, it may also involve removing the bone surrounding the root of the tooth so that it can then be pulled out by hand or with pliers.

Benefits of Tooth Extraction

Listed here are some of the benefits of tooth extraction for your oral hygiene:
  • Prevent tooth decay infection from spreading to other nearby teeth.
  • Prepare your teeth for orthodontic treatment.
  • Reduces the risk of infections in a dental abscess.
  • Make room for your natural teeth to be aligned.
  • Prevent dental issues caused by impacted wisdom teeth.

Why Choose Narre Warren Dental Care for Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is a vital part of dental care, and it can be an unpleasant experience for patients. We're here to help you get through the tooth extraction process with as little discomfort as possible.

Our experienced dentist will make sure that your teeth are removed quickly, cleanly and responsibly. Our team is made up of experienced dentists and hygienists who are passionate about providing excellent service. You can trust us to take care of your teeth with our gentle, caring approach.

When it comes to the extraction of teeth, we have all the right tools for the job. We use state-of-the-art equipment that will make your experience as comfortable as possible. And if you’re nervous about going under anesthesia, don’t worry – we offer sedation anesthesia so you can relax before and after surgery.

Frequently asked questions

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Before your procedure starts, the dental surgeon will examine your medical records to see if there’s anything that might affect or compromise the extraction. This can happen when a tooth needs to be removed from the inside of your gum, and they need to numb it first with something called local anesthesia. The surgeon then uses special tools to loosen up the teeth before removing them using forceps! If this sounds complicated for whatever reason, we’ll give you sedation anesthesia or general anesthesia while being operated on!

Before going into dental surgery, patients are required by law (in most countries) to sign off consent forms and their dental surgeon who is about to operate.

There are two types of extraction procedures- Routine extraction or simple extraction and surgical extraction. A routine one is easy to complete and costs less between $180 to $450 per tooth. On the other hand, a surgical procedure can cost between $300 to $650 per tooth since it includes sedation anaesthesia.

***A surgical extraction is needed if the patient has any bone below their gum line because it may take longer

Healing time is highly dependent on the condition of your mouth as well as the complexity of your surgery. However, most patients feel back to normal after about seven to 10 days.


  • Formation of Blood Clot- 24 hours after surgery
  • Decrease in Swelling- 2-3 days after surgery
  • Dentist remove stitches if any -( after 7 days of dental procedure)
  • Improvement in discomfort, pain and soreness- (After 7-10 days surgery)

Here are some risk and complications that might occur after your dental extraction:-

  • Continuous Pain and Bleeding:- It is normal to experience some pain and bleeding after having a tooth extracted. However, suppose you are experiencing severe pain or continuous bleeding for longer periods. In that case, it may be necessary to visit your dentist so that they can determine what might be causing these symptoms.
  • Dry socket ( a condition in which a blood clot is dislodged or blood clot does not form properly):-Having a dry socket after tooth removal can cause excessive pain. Additionally, you may experience bad odours and bad tastes in your mouth if you have this.
  • Swelling and Infection:- If you have a mouth full of bacteria and food particles, there is an even bigger chance that they will go to the socket and will lead to Swelling. Your dentist will prescribe antibiotics if this occurs.

If you need a tooth to be removed, your dentist will give you local anaesthesia so that it doesn’t hurt. They’ll loosen the tooth with their special tools and then remove it using forceps. If things are more complicated than this, they might have to put general anesthesia on, which puts people completely asleep while all goes well! or sedation anesthesia to reduce pain, discomfort and anxiety.

A dental extraction is a process of removing teeth that have been severely damaged by an accident or extensive decay infection. Tooth extractions are often done in combination with dental fillings and crowns. Still, if these treatments cannot restore a tooth to its original health due to trauma from accidents or decay, it may be necessary for your dentist to remove them completely from the mouth.

Routine extractions are those where the tooth is visible in your mouth and easily grasped by forceps. This type of extraction would be performed by the general dentist using only local anesthesia.

Surgical Extraction– For a tooth that has not broken through the gum or is too hard to remove due to breakage, it may be necessary for someone with advanced skills in dentistry(oral surgeon or an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMFS)) and experience extracting teeth. They will perform this procedure by inserting an instrument into the mouth while you’re under general anesthesia; they’ll then cut away any tissue blocking their access before removing your tooth as quickly and gently as possible.

Extraction of a single tooth takes 20-40 minutes. If more than one tooth needs to be removed, expect to spend a little longer in our naree warren dental care. Additional teeth require an additional 3-15 minutes of appointment time.

After your tooth has been removed, you will need to have the gum socket cleaned and checked for cuts. If there’s a cut in the gums from removing your teeth, then they might close it with stitches, so don’t forget to ask about them while at the dentist’s clinic!

Once the anaesthesia wears off after having your tooth pulled out, chances are pain is going to be an issue. Your dentist may prescribe some medication or recommend over-the-counter medications. If you have swelling in your cheek area, an ice pack or cold pack may be recommended to keep it down.

It is likely you will be instructed to eat soft foods and nutritious food. Chew from your unaffected side for some days. Don’t bite your lip when it’s numb! For 24 hours following oral surgery, you should avoid physical activity, smoking, and drinking alcohol.