Our Technology At Narre Warren Dental Care

At Narre Warren Dental Care, we strive to achieve the best results for you and your teeth. Our equipment is designed with this in mind–to streamline treatment time, help give you a beautiful smile again, improve diagnosis of all dental conditions along with other benefits such as reduced pain and anxiety!

Dentsply Sirona Sinius Dental Chair

It’s designed with the newest touchscreen technology and many integrated functions. It automatically moves the patient’s head seamlessly into the desired treatment position. It is gentle and requires no effort on behalf of the practitioner while providing the optimal sitting position to gain a better view of the cavity. 

The integrated patient communication system allows dentists to work more efficiently since it enables them to communicate with their patients at every step of diagnosis or treatment, making the process smooth for everyone involved.

The innovative, integrated implantology and endodontics function allows for a more comfortable treatment process while providing many advantages.

Orthophos E

An orthopantomogram is a full mouth X-ray that can be utilized on the spot in the clinic to help dentists during treatments without the need for an external X-ray facility. OPGs are used for checking teeth roots, planning treatments for crowns and bridges, and orthodontic treatments. Additionally, it is convenient to use as it is height adjustable for both adults and children.

This ergonomic sound 2D x-ray unit is equipped with CsI sensor technology that captures images for reliable diagnostics. With motorized forehead and temple support, it inhibits the patient’s head from moving, which prevents any blurring in the image.

Gemini™ Laser

The Gemini 810 + 980 diode laser has specialized dual-wavelength technology. It is the first tissue diode laser available in the United States.

It boasts 20 watts of peak power, which creates a faster, smoother, and more efficient cutting process with reduced tissue tagging.

Laser Diode equipment is appropriate for gum contouring (gingivectomy) to reduce gum tissue and create an evenly curved shape.

Tongue-tie is a condition where the tongue’s attachment to the lower palette creates discomfort when patients move their tongue, especially in infants. This equipment is extremely useful in performing the procedure.

Medit i700 & Medit i500

The intelligent scan-detecting algorithm is quick and efficient. It uses two high-speed cameras for a close look inside your mouth. Unlike other scans, there is no need to apply powder while using Medit i700 & i500, which results in a convenient and impeccable scanning process.​

This digital scanner provides 3D scans of a patient’s teeth for restorative, cosmetic, or orthodontic treatments such as clear aligners, traditional braces, dental implants, dental crowns, and digital smile designs.

This high accuracy and a precision scan will significantly reduce chair time, thus improving the patient’s consultation experience. 

Book an appointment today!

Whether you’re seeking a dentist for a general cleaning or are interested in major work and restorations, we’d love to speak with you about your options.
We look forward to meeting you!